Please read and understand the following:
On this blog, I'm completely honest or as near it as I can be. My intention is never to offend or pin point anyone so if that's ever how you feel after reading something I've written, don't stick around. I understand some of the topics I cover are controversial and that sometime I may make an erroneous statement or comment. I'm human too.
Everyone has a right to their own opinion but bashing me (or anyone else on this site) and making hurtful comments are not welcome or acceptable. Of course, I appreciate constructive criticism and feedback (in fact I welcome it!) but if you cannot do so in a kind manner, then I suggest you don't say anything and don't come back. Oh, and have a nice day.
Also, all images are copyrighted to Rebekah Brielle unless otherwise stated. If you like an image and want to use it for your own personal use, please ask first. Thank you!