Meet Bailey
She has one of the best 'dreamy distance' gazes...
...and a wonderful laugh.
I got her to sit on this old wooden bench first.
Things were going fine (Bailey looking amazing)...
...until the bench began to move. It was rather windy out and whenever the wind picked up, the bench would creak and shift along with the movement of the tree. It caught Bailey of guard at first.
And then she realized what was happening. She began to laugh.
And laugh.
We moved to another bench, and before long she was pulling goofy faces and laughing again.
We stopped at this old church and were excited to discover a vulture sitting on the roof.
But he soon took wing, no doubt disturbed by the unusual presence of humans.
Exploring the old church was quite interesting. The back had some very shady looking steps that gave one the feeling they just might disintegrate beneath your feet if you dared to try them.
The moss and leaves on them however was quite photogenic.
As were the lichens on the door.
The wood siding on the church was the perfect background for some great shots!
Here the wind is giving Bailey's hair that windblown, slightly dramatic flair that most photographers achieve with a fan these days.
Take a look at this beautiful path and imagine just strolling down it inhaling that wonderful autumn aroma...
I know, who couldn't resist?
It was just so beautiful, what with all the colors.
Leaf strewn roads are seriously quite a treat for the senses.
And the leaves are also great for throwing. Bailey and I wanted to replicate the leaf throwing shots from Shynae's photo shoot, but the wind wasn't very cooperative.
Finally we achieved the perfect shot.
A knot of wood from the door of an old house that someone used to call home.
It's interesting to imagine someone living here when you look at the state it's in now.
And I think eventually they did upgrade as this bigger (more modern?) house was not far away.
The barn though had obviously seen better day's...
Eventually Bailey and I traded places and she got behind the camera and I got in front of it.
Posing in the window of an old house.
"And Rebekah just can't sit still..."
Of course, we had to do a Friend Footsie. Just to throw you off though, unlike the other Friend Footsies, this time I'm not the one wearing beige boots!
I had a wonderful time with Bailey and her great sense of humor and wonderful laugh were so much fun to be around. Bailey, stay golden (and gorgeous)!